Where Have I Been/Huge Announcement/Big Changes!

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Photo by john paul tyrone fernandez on Pexels.com

I’m not dead!  I know I kind of dropped off the face of the planet for a while there, but it was for a variety of reasons.  The primary reason is that I’ve actually started working as a freelancer.  While I adjusted to a new lifestyle, I wanted to give myself a few weeks to focus fully on this change.  Since I was writing about games in my freelancing life, I especially wanted a few weeks away from creating video game reviews in my free time.  The question is, in the month since I last wrote on this blog, where have I been?

When I wrote my last post about my top ten books, I realized that I love to write about the stuff that I read just as much as the stuff that I play.  This was the point where I remembered that I actually tried to start up a book blog in my last year of college that ultimately went nowhere because I was far too busy to put forth the necessary effort to keep up with it.  In fact, that attempt at writing was how I came up with the HannieBee title that followed me to this blog.  After remembering this, I logged into that old WordPress account and started my books blog back up!

After a few days of writing about books, I was falling in love with my new blog, but I still wanted to write more about video games.  For a while, my thought was to just keep two separate blogs running, but over time, as I continued to become a part of the blogging community, I realized that the overlap between gamers and readers is huge!  This realization has led me to make a huge decision:  Consolidate my two blogs into one.

Specifically, I decided to get a domain of my own and get rid of the .wordpress.  With this, I also decided to change my name to better match my new theme of writing about both books and games.  My new blog name is The Hannie Corner, and I’m very excited to get started on some amazing content.  Unfortunately, since I have two blogs and only one domain, I ultimately decided on officially transforming my book blog, meaning that this blog will be ultimately abandoned after this post.

I’m going to finish this post off by giving a heartfelt thanks to every single follower of this blog who read what I wrote.  This experience has been absolutely fantastic and I’m so glad I got to meet you all.  If you don’t want to follow me on this journey to my new blog, I understand and wish you all a great blog writing and reading life!

For those who are intrigued by what I’ll be doing next, then please go follow my new blog.  The content will be a mixture of gaming and book topics, and I’m hoping to do some really fun combination posts where I write about book recommendations based on my favorite game and vice versa.  I have so many plans for the future of my blog, and I really do hope that you’ll trust me on this and come see my new journey!  For now, however, I will sign off with a link to my blog. NOTE: This website change is brand new, so you may get some issues for the next 72 hours. If you have trouble getting to this link, try again later. I promise it will be worth it!

The Hannie Corner Website Link.

Note:  This post is imported from a prior blog, HannieBee Games.

7 thoughts on “Where Have I Been/Huge Announcement/Big Changes!

  1. As a reader-gamer-writer I will follow your new blog. The two overlap often, and I am reading the novelisation of Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey at the moment – and one of my 2018 reads was the collection of shorts that led to the Witcher games.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on scoring some freelance gigs. If you’re a stickler for complete archives like me, did you know you can easily migrate your content from HannieBee Games to Hannie Corner? You’ll find the controls in the settings tab of WordPress.

    Liked by 1 person

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