Fantastic February Reads!

I want to make an effort to do at least one readathon every month because it helps focus my reading into specific challenges and genres.  This month, I have decided to participate in Fantastic February, hosted by Books and Munchies.  The goal here is simple:  Read as many fantasy books as I can in the month of February.  Since fantasy is my favorite genre and I have a lot of catching up to do on some series and authors that I have been neglecting, it seems logical to take on this challenge and see what I can get through.  While I’m going to read whatever pops out at me, here are a few books that I’m hoping I get to this month.

game of thrones

First up is a book that I’m currently reading!  I’m about 40% through A Game of Thrones according to my Kindle, and I’m having a great time.  The first hundred pages were pretty slow because George R.R. Martin drops readers into the world without any explanation and make them figure out what’s happening on their own.  Martin is one of the ten authors that I singled out because I have never read a book from them, so here’s my chance to rectify this situation.

Percy Jackson

I was actually halfway through The Lightning Thief when I got A Game of Thrones out from the library, so I had to put this down for the time being.  So far, I’m really enjoying it and it will be nice to get another Potteralike out of the way, as well as another unread author I put on my list of shame.  Since George R.R. Martin has created a dark and depressing fantasy world, it will be nice to get back to Rick Riordan’s more cheerful universe where the power of friendship can tackle all obstacles.

city of bonesgilded wolves

Whether I read City of Bones or The Gilded Wolves this month directly links with whether I finish A Game of Thrones quickly because these are both library pickups.  Hopefully, I get a chance to read at least one of them before they’re due back, as I hate to keep checking out the same books repeatedly.  City of Bones would be my first priority, as Cassandra Clare is also on my unread author list of shame.

Throne of Glass.jpgCourt of Thorns and Roses.jpg

On the continuing subject of series and authors that I haven’t read yet, I would like to get Sarah J. Maas off of my list of shame by reading either Throne of Glass or A Court of Thorns and Roses.  I hear such great things about her books and would love to discover why people love her so much for myself.


I have been following Susan Dennard on Twitter for a long time because she gives plenty of fantastic advice on writing and publishing.  Since I’ve never read any of her books, I would like to fix that with Truthwitch.  The third book in the series is coming out in a few weeks, so now would be a great time to catch up!

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell

Finally, this is not a book that I anticipate finishing in February, but I would like to get started on Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell because I know it’s going to take me a long time to plow through and it’s probably the most intimidating Potteralike on my list.  It sounds like fun and I’m hoping that I will love it, but I’m definitely going to need some time to get through this one.

All right, that’s my Fantastic February reading list!  Since most of these books are the starts to series, I reserve the right to forgo some of the books on this list in favor of consuming an entire series if I love something enough.  I’ll also be doing a separate post with a few ARCs that I want to wrap up in February, which will include both fantasy and non-fantasy books.

Have you read any of these books?  Let me know in the comments below!

38 thoughts on “Fantastic February Reads!

    1. No kidding! I want to make 2019 the year of series because I’ve been avoiding them the last few years out of fear of commitment. Now, I’m embracing the attitude that by reading the first book, I’m not committing to read the whole series unless I love it. It’s made me feel a lot better about my reading!


  1. There is something to be said for dropping the readers in a world and letting them figure things out rather than write hundreds of pages of exposition before starting the first real chapter. Context really helps you remember important details more than talking about them at length, though if done poorly, you won’t have any idea what’s going on. Then again, if it’s done well, the readers will pick up on the details you’re unconsciously putting out.

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    1. I do think game of thrones shows how this mechanic is done well. While I was confused for a while and it made the first 100 pages tough, it made me really connected to the characters and world because I was spending so much time figuring out who everyone was. If I had been spoon fed all of the information, I don’t think I would be as attached.

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  2. Great list! I really liked THE GILDED WOLVES, and PERCY JACKSON will always have a special place in my heart. I also have A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES and TRUTHWITCH on my list to get to in the future. Good luck with your goals!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I read the first two books of A Song of Ice and FIre, and while they were very slow-paced, I enjoyed them greatly. But I stopped. I really want to go back and read them all now, especially since falling in love with the show!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m loving the first book, but I do wish it wasn’t a library book so I didn’t have to rush through it so quickly. I think I’d enjoy it more if I could read a chapter a night instead of trying to read 100+ pages at a tine

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  4. Good list – and tempting. I’ve read Throne of Glass and have SJM’s Crown of Midnight in my imminent TBR pile as I like the characters. Also, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is further down my TBR heap – plus more of Sapkowski’s Witcher books. But, my 2019 priority is more ‘cloak and dagger’ – crime/mystery/thriller genre.

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    1. My 2019 priority is fantasy. It’s definitely my favorite genre, but I’ve been a little afraid of it because of how many books are a part of massive series with 1000+ page books. 2019 is the year that I try to stop worrying about that and just enjoy what I read.

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  5. I’ve just reread the Percy Jackson series , Heroes of Olympus, Kane chronicles, and am currently fixing to start book 4 of the Game of Thrones series. Also have Throne of Glass series planned for February starting with book 2!

    Game of thrones is unlike any series I have ever read, I have never been so invested in the stories of a bunch of people I can’t stand before…it’s crazy!

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    1. That’s such a perfect way of describing Game of Thrones! I constantly stop to decide if I even like half of these characters, yes I’m still so emotionally invested in their fates!

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