Games I Want to Play More in 2020!


I recently posted a list of twenty new games that I want to beat in 2020, but that’s not my only goal for the new year.  Over the years, I’ve had this constant struggle in my head around the concept of replaying older experiences.  On the one hand, it can be a ton of fun to step back into a world that I previously loved, but it does inevitably take time away from playing a new title.  This year, with the end of the console generation, I decided to pick out five games that I have previously finished and wish to play more of throughout 2020.  Now, I may play way more than this by the end of the year, but this list is a good starting point for me.



Skyrim has been one of my favorite games for close to a decade now, but I have quite a few quests that I haven’t actually gotten to yet, as well as all of the DLCs left untouched.  I think it will be fun to start a new game as a totally different class than my usual mage character and see how I enjoy the experience.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a likely pick for my personal game of this generation, but in order to make that determination, I’d really like to play it again in 2020.  I actually bought it on PC because I want to see what it looks like with the graphics maxed out.  In addition to starting a fresh save, I haven’t had the opportunity to play the expansions and free additional quests yet, so I am eager to get some more story content related to Kassandra’s journey.

The Witcher 3

Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 is an interesting experience for me because I didn’t necessarily love the game quite as much as the other titles on this list, but I still want to go back and give the expansions a shot, regardless.  I don’t want to do a full new playthrough of Geralt’s adventures, but I’m eager to wrap up some quests I didn’t get around to during my initial time with the game.

Fallout:  New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas

In addition to replaying and enjoying previously unplayed content for some more recent games, I really want to make sure that I give some time to an older title from my past each year.  I haven’t done a full playthrough of Fallout:  New Vegas in at least five years, and I think it is well past time to change this.  Honestly, at this point, I barely remember the plot points and locations, so this is a great opportunity to go in with reasonably fresh eyes.

Final Fantasy XV

Finally, I have been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIV over the past few weeks, and for some reason, that is giving me some nostalgia towards XV.  Therefore, I think it would be fun to go back and mop up some side quests, do some hunts, and explore the additional content that has come out since the game’s initial release.  I haven’t played as Noctis since the first DLC came out, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

As I said before, this is by no means a definitive list of what I plan to play in 2020.  For example, I’m certain my 2020 will include a playthrough of at least one Borderlands title as a new class, and I may decide to pick up an older game on a higher difficulty at some point.  Regardless, my replays of old titles are usually some of my gaming highlights in any given year, so I want to make sure that I am properly prioritizing them and that they don’t get lost in the sea of new experiences.

What games do you hope to replay in 2020?  Let me know in the comments below!

10 thoughts on “Games I Want to Play More in 2020!

  1. AC Odyssey and Witcher 3 are both primed for replays after enjoying myself first time. Whether I return to those worlds in 2020 depends on AA studio Spiders’s Greedfall:
    I completed the game on one build but I’ve started four others so need to finish those. Shorter than the other RPGs but still addictive.


  2. Skyrim is a game I keep thinking about going back to, as I hit major RPG burnout right as I started playing and only put in like 10 hours. But now that I have Breath of the Wild, I don’t think I need another open world game in my life!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. In 2020 I’ve been playing Darksiders and Dead Space so far. I would also like to give Dark Souls and Assassin’s Creed another chance, and play Call of Cthulhu since I’ve recently got into Lovecraft. That’s it so far.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Last time i played I rage quit 😂 i want to give it another go though know that I’ve been through Hollow Knight. Darksiders is awesome though. The characters voices are so good 😍

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I recently revisited a game on the PS3 that I thought was terrible back at launch. Alien Colonial Marines was slated by fans and I understood that. But playing it again as curiosity got the better of me I found the game much better than I remember. I’m guessing the reason it feels better is because games have moved on and that particular game was ahead of it’s time. I revisit games all the time as I love t he PS3 and Xbox 360. Being a collector as well means there are a ton of games to revisit. Last of Us is next on my list.


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